Traveling the World with a Sling Bag

Those of you reading this page know exactly what it’s like to carry a rock on your back when traveling. Your carefully-refined minimalist backpack, while light enough to be carried for short durations, is an absolute pain when carried for half a day. Maybe you’re covering long stretches and can’t always go back to your original hotel (or hostel). Carrying your bag from one hotel to the next will be your only choice.

Huge BackpackI weigh around 60 kg and do pullups regularly. Yet I found my 3.3 kg backpack to be unbearable 3 hours in. I almost had to stall my trip and take the rest of the day off because my mind was always emphasizing the weight on my back instead of the sights in front of my eyes. There’s no doubt that the weight and size of your bag determine how good you feel during a trip. So to help make your next journey a pleasant one, Iet’s work together to cut down your possessions to 2 kg and then fit it all in a sling bag for interchangeability from back to front.

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